F-5B -

является учебно-боевым истребителем, разработанным американской фирмой Northrop в начале 60-х гг. Данный тип самолета состоит на вооружении ВВС многих государств.

Летно-технические характеристики

Service ceiling: 52,000 feet
Initial climb rate: 30,400 feet per minute
Stalling speed: 138 mph with flaps extended
Maximum cruising speed without afterburning: 640 mph (Mach 0.97) at 36,000 feet
Maximum speed: 885 mph (Mach 1.34) at 36,000 feet
Takeoff run: 2200 feet with two Sidewinder missiles
Landing run from 50 feet with braking parachute: 3800 feet
Range with maximum fuel: 1393 miles
Combat radius with maximum payload: 201 miles
Combat radius with maximum fuel and 2530-pound bombs: 570 miles
Fuel: Two internal fuel tanks composed of integral cells with total usable capacity of 583 US gallons. One 150 US gallon drop tank could be carried on the fuselage centerline pylon, two 150 US gallon droptanks could be carried underneath the underwing pylons, and a 50-gallon tank could be carried at each wingtip, bringing total fuel capacity to 1133 US gallons
Wingspan: 25 feet 3 inches
Length: 46 feet 4 inches
Height: 13 feet 1 inches
Wing area: 170 square feet
Weight empty: 8361 pounds
Weight maximum takeoff: 20677 pounds
Двигатели: Two General Electric J85-GE-13 turbojets, rated at 2720 lb.st., 4080 lb.s.t. with afterburning
Armament: Two AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles could be carried at the wingtips. Five pylons, one under the fuselage centerline and four under the wings that can carry up to 6200 pounds of ordinance or fuel tanks. A 2000-pound bomb or a gun pack can be carried from the centerline pylon. Underwing loads can include four air-to-air missiles, Bullpup air-to-surface missiles, bombs, up to 20 unguided rockets, gun packs, or external fuel tanks

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